Brand-Spankin-New Comics!
The Golden Years
This is a story, about a comic named HAFFN, which had many characters
I didn't just make these up... honest
a rest from my supposed drawings
... There are other people that read this? Holy Crap in a basket!
Wellity wellity wellity, free stuff
A special thanks to random people
Other great comics... no serious, they're good
Hear the voice of God... or failing that, me

Ask Thoughty

I have been inspired by the inspirational advice columns at my place of work so I decided to do my own. If you want to submit a question just do so through the regular contact link.

Dear Thoughty,

Just this month my place of work, a local Many Lots! store #3141, told us that we are not to eat expired food. This stuff is just going to be thrown away. The vendors tell us that we can have it if it is expired. When I asked my supervisor why not she directed me to the company information poster on the subject. All it said is that other people think that I was stealing stuff. That doesn't make any sense since I can easily show them the expiration date off the package.

Since you are an experienced person, can you tell me why they didn't just answer my question?

Curious Cookie

Dear Cookie

It is actually a very simple reason. Many Lots! is a greedy, inhuman company that hates the fact that it has to pay workers and what more it must give them these new fangled inventions called breaks. Now undoubtedly they also break the law and don't give you breaks, such as lunch breaks after working 6 hours, even though the state law is very clear on the matter.

so what exactly does all that mean? It means that the company loses nothing, not a single damn thing, by letting employees take expired foods. The manufacturers give foods a healthy safety allowance. It isn't like eating an Oreo that is one day past it's sell by date will make you ill. However laws are in place to make sure that Many Lots! and similar companies dispose of it anywho. They could get in trouble for selling it to the general public, but if you willingly take some yourself they are guilt free. So what does that mean? That means that you could get stuff for free. Many Lots! is a bastard company and hates the idea of you getting anything, even if you worked for it. Getting something free? That is like pissing in their imported bottled water. They hate you, and indeed all employees, to such a degree that they would go (and lo, have gone) out of their way just to make your life a little less pleasant. I mean really? What do they do with the expired food? If they CAN sell it without the public knowing, they will. That is why they place the price tags over the expiration date. And if they can't sell it? They throw it away. What more, they make sure that no one can get to it. They could give it to the homeless, or at least a homeless shelter. Why don't they? Because that would make people happy and wouldn't put a single penny in their pockets. They aren't the anti-Christ. He is just their role model.


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